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Glasses on Spiral Notebook

Self Help

Bite sized information that people in therapy frequently benefit from.

The Power of the Mind

A brief video showing how our beliefs are only true until we stop believing them.

Trauma Response

A brief written description of the complex process behind our reactions and responses to the world.

Zebra Crossing


A brief video explaining the psychological defence known as denial.

Positive Emotions

Definitions of some positive emotions from Research Social Worker Dr Brene Brown.

Self-doubt or Self-criticism

We all experience self-doubt. It's a healthy way to keep us aware. Self-criticism can seem similar, but it's far more destructive and limiting.

Reaction Formation

A short video explaining the psychological strategy of acting differently from how we feel.


The phenomenon of relying on logic to avoid painful feelings.

Do you ever feel like an IMPOSTER?

Based on the episode How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome from the Being Well Podcast with Forrest Hanson and Dr Rick Hanson.

Whole hearted living

The four qualities that are shared by people who believe they are worthy of love and belonging. Based on research by Dr Brene Brown.

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